Managing Subscriptions + Auto Deliveries
Thanks for subscribing to a Better Rhodes Monthly Subscription, or signing up to receive Auto Delivery of your favorite products! We try to make the process of managing your Subscriptions and/or Auto Deliveries easy.
One important note: You may have purchased your Subscription or Auto Delivery while Checking Out as a GUEST, and therefore may not have an account in our system. Follow the instructions below to link your subscription to a main Better Rhodes account - and then you'll be able to manage your account online.
For Existing Customers
If you are an existing Better Rhodes' customer. (You have logged into your account on previously)
Here’s how to access and manage your account in three easy steps!
1. Click the following link: Login To Your Account
2. On the right side of the screen click Manage Subscriptions on the page and then navigate throughout the tabs to see upcoming orders, order history, you can change your order, update your billing information and more.
3. That's it! You should be able Manage Subscriptions from there. Contact us if you have any issues.
Access your existing customer portal here.
For New Customers
If you are a new Better Rhodes' customer. (You have never logged into, or when you try to, it says "no account found")
Welcome! Here are the steps below:
1. Click the following link: Click Here To Register Your Account
2. Click REGISTER on the page, set a username and password.
3. That's it! You should be able to click Manage Subscriptions, under Order History and manage from there.
Enjoy the upcoming shipment and thank you from all of us.Feel free to contact us if you are having any troubles logging in.
How to CANCEL Subscription or Auto Delivery
1. Click the link to proceed to Account Login: Your Account Login Page
2. Login with your username and password account details
3. Click Manage Subscriptions (takes you to the Dashboard)
4. You'll see a list of Active Subscriptions >> click the product subscription you would like to cancel
5. Click Cancel Subscription. Your account will be canceled.
Please note: You can always just Skip This Order, or Change Frequency, Update Delivery Date, or Change Address on this page as well.
Pause or Skip Your Next Subscription Order or Auto Delivery
1. Click the link to proceed to Account Login: Your Account Login Page
2. Login with your username and password account details
3. Click Manage Subscriptions (takes you to the Dashboard)
4. Under Upcoming Orders, click on the product you would like to manage
5. Click Skip This Order to skip the upcoming month's shipment
Feel free to contact us if you are having any troubles with your account.