National Relaxation Day: Better "Aaaaahh" Awaits

We're living through some crazy times and then there's work, family, life, relationships, tasks, to-do lists and more. We're stressed. Uncertainty and trauma, family stress, financial stress, and more all affect us in ways that could be damaging our overall health.
We could all use a bit more relaxation time in our lives, and National Relaxation Day is a great reminder to take some down time to rest and recover. Here are some of our top ways to find more relaxation in your life.
Cut down on the alcohol
People commonly attribute grabbing a drink after a hard day as a good way to wind down and decompress. Alcohol works as a central nervous system depressant. Those warm, fuzzy feelings and boost in mood are due to its sedative effects. While it feels good in the moment, we know this is only a temporary solution that has long-term negative effects.
Because alcohol alters the serotonin levels in your brain, feelings of anxiety and depression can start to emerge once your blood alcohol content starts to dip.
There are multiple ways to moderate your drinking, from non-alcoholic beverage collections to drinking a full glass of water between drinks.
Some of our community who still imbibe will mix Non-Alc products with the traditional stuff. Like a glass of wine thats 50/50 traditional wine and NA.
Or try starting with 1 drink containing alcohol and then switch to NA for the rest of the evening.
Finally - there are some great mood boosting products which don't contain alcohol. Check out Functional Beverages. These sips include adaptogens, nootropics and better-for-you herbal ingredients to help lift you or relax you!
Yes, everyone talks about meditation. But, the reality is that meditation has continuously been seen as one of the best practices to reduce stress.
When you meditate, you’re clearing your mind from the overwhelming thoughts that bombard us daily. You’re able to focus on what’s happening at the moment, prevent overreaction, and increase your patience.
You don’t have to meditate for hours each day to reap the benefits. Trying breathing exercises for even five minutes a day has been shown to reduce stress.
Schedule R&R
Sometimes it feels like there aren’t enough hours in the day to get everything done. This lack of intention can wreak havoc on your stress levels. We’re emotionally driven creatures, meaning we often react with how we’re feeling rather than rationally. When we don’t plan things intentionally – in this case, relaxation – we tend to make decisions that sometimes aren’t the best for us.
The first step to take is to figure out what it is that makes you relax. A bath, a book, lighting candles, or deep breathing are all options. If watching trashy reality TV truly relaxes you, be intentional with when you schedule your binge. Otherwise, you may end up feeling even more guilty and less productive, which is entirely counterintuitive to relaxation!
We live busy, big, beautiful lives that help us thrive when we give ourselves the appropriate care. Don’t forget to take time out for yourself to practice better relaxation.
Socializing can still be relaxing:
For some of us, the thought of just sitting on the couch all day napping between the episodes of whatever show we're binging sounds like bliss. But for others, that type of relaxation comes at the cost of worrying about all the things they "should" be doing instead. If you're in the second group, there are still ways you can relax, while getting out and being social.
Consider scheduling a SPA day with a friend. Or, once you get through most of that to do list, invite a friend over for a casual movie night. Order some food and spend the time relaxing on the couch. Even though you're technically "entertaining" someone in your home, you'll at least get the R+R during the movie!
Even taking a picnic or a beach day can be some great time to relax. Being next to the ocean or a large body of water has calming effects on our bodies and minds.
There's no right or wrong way to relax, so do what's best for you. But the point is to take some time to recover and rest, and enjoy those moments too. Cheers!